How I can Help

  • Personalized Care for 12 weeks

    1:1 care addressing your unique health needs. I would like to get to know you on a deeper level and focus on your specific wellness goals.

    The program is 12 weeks long with check ins every week. The format will be structured but also flexible based off your individual health plan.

  • Mental Health

    In addition to achieving optimal physical health, mental health is just as important. The mind body connection will be a recurring theme in my program.

  • Bringing back Joy

    Midlife is tough. Period. But that doesn’t mean we should sacrifice our joy in life. Not only will we work on our physical and mental health during this 12 week journey, but also uncovering optimal happiness, more laughter, and abundant energy.

“In a society that says, ‘Put yourself last,’ self-love and self-acceptance are revolutionary.”

~ Brené Brown


If you have more questions, let’s chat over a free 30 minute video call. Schedule here.

What inspired you to pursue Health Coaching?

My patients. As a family medicine physician, a majority of my patient panel was 30 to 60 year old women. During my years of practice, I discovered that so many women were needing my help. They expressed concerns about new onset weight gain, hormonal changes, loss of energy, anxiety/depression as they approached midlife, but no one was able to help them or simply had the time to explain. Perimenopause and menopause are not illnesses..they are life stages that need more than a 20 minute visit to address. My desire to help my patients grew as well as my frustrations with the current health care system. I have started this career transition so I can really help women by giving my time and energy where it matters most to me.

Can you also be my primary care physician (PCP)?

With prior family medicine training, I am lucky to have a solid foundation which can be applied to my coaching skills for my clients. However, I will be a supplement to your health. Of course, I am part of your health care team and can work side by side with your PCP.

Can you prescribe medications or make medical diagnoses?

No. As a health coach, I cannot provide you with medical advice, diagnose you, or prescribe medications. If you are seeking medical treatment for your menopause or perimenopause, please refer to your PCP or gynecologist.

Why should I see a Menopause Coach?

Menopause and perimenopause are not medical diseases as modern medicine has defined them to be. They are normal life transitions and should be treated as such. Unless we stop treating menopause as an illness, support and care will always be suboptimal. My goal as your menopause coach is to support you through this life stage. During my program, we will work on optimizing your physical health with diet/exercise as well as your mental health tailored to your specific needs and goals. What also separates me from other coaches is my determination to bring back joy and energy into your life and to help you discover your best years.

How long is your program?

12 weeks. The option to continue services beyond the program is available based on your specific needs and progress.

How much does it cost? Do you accept insurance?

$2000 for the entire 12 week program. Monthly payment options are available at a slightly higher cost per month. Insurance is not accepted.